weekly goals + meal plan

Aloha money bees! I know I just posted my goals for the month of April and our budget recap for March, but it is Sunday, and last weekend I had a little too much fun and didn’t get to sharing my meal plan. I know I’m sharing a lot of goals for the month and the week and it may seem like I set too many goals. I encourage you to set big monthly goals, and small weekly goals that can keep you on track to meeting your bigger goals. At the end of the year, I also set yearly […]

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weekly goals + meal plan

Ahoy! Sorry this is going up later on this Sunday evening. The Bee family is having a crazy week! We’re buying a house here in Connecticut. After walking through a home in Thursday, we decided we loved it, and placed an offer and just confirmed with the sellers. It’s been a stressful weekend. Anyways, last week’s goals were to sell the highchair and reconcile 3x. The highchair is still in the garage, and I reconciled twice. We did order pizza out on Friday, and had lunch in the Ikea Cafe today, but ate at home other than that, which is […]

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reducing expenses – groceries

Good morning, moneybees! I received a message from a friend that stated that she loved the blog, but she was having a hard time keeping her grocery expenses low. As I’ve mentioned, the Bee family grocery budget is about $400/month, occasionally over that, and she stated hers was about $600 per month (or $300 every pay period). She asked how we keep our grocery expenses low and if I could share some tips. I’d love to! Some of the biggest influences in my success in sticking to a grocery budget: Shop weekly and meal plan. I’ve been using Plan to […]

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weekly goals + meal plan

Oh my goodness, another week come and gone. And this one was a doozy. Anyways, last weeks goals were to stick to the meal plan, reconcile daily, and sell the highchair. I did… None of those. In fact, on the day I wrote that post, we ended up going to Moe’s for dinner because I was just too exhausted after work. This week’s goals are along the same lines: Stick to the meal plan or at least eat food at home. Sell the high chair (maybe, depending on the Nor’Easter we’re expecting). Reconcile 3x this week. I don’t make a […]

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weekly goals + meal plan

Good morning & happy Monday! In the future, I plan to write this post on Sundays, as I always meal plan on Sundays and grocery shop right after, but I had family in town this weekend, so here’s a Monday post for you. This week’s financial goals are: Eat the food on the meal plan. Seriously. You bought it, don’t be lazy and order Domino’s. Reconcile the budget daily. This is an easy habit to get into, and an equally easy habit to get out of. Stick with it. Sell the highchair on Facebook; Eric has wanted it out of […]

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