weekly goals + meal plan

Oh my goodness, another week come and gone. And this one was a doozy.

Anyways, last weeks goals were to stick to the meal plan, reconcile daily, and sell the highchair. I did… None of those. In fact, on the day I wrote that post, we ended up going to Moe’s for dinner because I was just too exhausted after work.

This week’s goals are along the same lines:

  • Stick to the meal plan or at least eat food at home.
  • Sell the high chair (maybe, depending on the Nor’Easter we’re expecting).
  • Reconcile 3x this week. I don’t make a lot of purchases day to day, so even every other day would be good.

On a positive note, I just switched to using reusable grocery bags and reusable produce bags, and it felt great to bring home 5 reusable bags instead of 27 plastic ones (and the Commissary always double bags everything, so I feel even better about it).

This week’s meal plan is a lot more real with the way I like to cook. I’ve had some recipes I’ve really wanted to try lately, but this week is full of tried and true recipes that I love to make, so it should be much easier to stick to.


Honestly, I want to link to just one of these recipes, but they’re nearly all my favourites. If you’re looking for an amazing breakfast fave that my husband will eat for dinner any day of the week, check out Self Proclaimed Foodie’s country sausage gravy. I make my own breakfast sausage with her recipe, and I love it.
Well here’s to an amazing week and meeting all of our goals!

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