July Recap + August Goals

For the first time in a long time, it seems like July passed at a normal pace. In fact, it seemed like it was a slower month than usual. Anyways, financially, it wasn’t a horrible month for us. It wasn’t spectacular. We spent a lot of money trying to make this house a home, and we’re not even close to done yet. We just began a deck renovation and we’ve knocked a hole in our dining room ceiling in an attempt to find a leak… and we still can’t find it. We’re learning a lot of skills as new homeowners […]

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how using cash back cards for expenses gave us $300 in 6 months

extra money monthly with credit card cash back

Well, it seems obvious, but I know so many people who haven’t learned this yet. I add about $50 a month to our budget by using a cash back credit card for our bills and expenses. I still track my budget as normal as if I had paid with a debit card. When the due date comes, I pay the statement balance in full. (I always pay around the due date, never really early, because I’d prefer to leave the cash in my checking account to earn a few extra days of interest.) By paying the statement balance in full, […]

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reducing expenses – groceries

Good morning, moneybees! I received a message from a friend that stated that she loved the blog, but she was having a hard time keeping her grocery expenses low. As I’ve mentioned, the Bee family grocery budget is about $400/month, occasionally over that, and she stated hers was about $600 per month (or $300 every pay period). She asked how we keep our grocery expenses low and if I could share some tips. I’d love to! Some of the biggest influences in my success in sticking to a grocery budget: Shop weekly and meal plan. I’ve been using Plan to […]

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