October Recap / November Goals

Wow, this month has a lot of positives and negatives. This was the first month we didn’t spend exorbitant amounts on home improvement. We did pay $500 to have our woodstove and chimney cleaned and repaired, but other than that, it was a “normal” month in terms of home expenses. Oh, and filling our oil tank, which I somehow didn’t plan for. However, this month we had dropped our retirement contributions to re-fill some of our savings accounts, and it was able to help cover some of these expenses also. Big victories for October: We only spent $260 at restaurants. […]

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September Recap & a lot of honesty

So I skipped my August Recap. I guess I’d say I had a lot going on and, but that’s an excuse. I mentioned briefly on Facebook that a lot of it was shame, and that’s true too. September was not much better for us though, which is a hard realization. While we had some major home expenses that derailed some of our retirement savings goals, our day-to-day expenses were still too high compared to what we want to be spending on those expenses. Sometimes I have a habit of saying, “we had visitors this month,” or “we traveled somewhere this […]

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July Recap + August Goals

For the first time in a long time, it seems like July passed at a normal pace. In fact, it seemed like it was a slower month than usual. Anyways, financially, it wasn’t a horrible month for us. It wasn’t spectacular. We spent a lot of money trying to make this house a home, and we’re not even close to done yet. We just began a deck renovation and we’ve knocked a hole in our dining room ceiling in an attempt to find a leak… and we still can’t find it. We’re learning a lot of skills as new homeowners […]

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May+June Recap / July Goals

Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I am even writing this right now. I woke up at 5:00 AM and decided to reconcile our budget (which I have been halfheartedly following) because it was bothering me so much. Two hours later… I am ready to talk about the last two months. So, holy sh*t! We bought a house! Sorry for the language, but there is literally no other way to express this. There is so much that comes with buying a house. Watching that down payment and closing cost transaction come right out of our account, and feeling like you […]

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April Recap / May Goals

I think every single month, I am tempted to start with mentioning how fast the month went by. I guess that is just part of life at this point. Anyways, here in the Bee house, we’re saying another goodbye after a quick visit from my mama! Thank goodness for cheap airfare from our hometown to our duty station. Luckily, my parents visit every other month or so, which is amazing. When we lived in Hawaii, Eric didn’t go home for 3 years! (I am rather spoiled, and went home about every 6 months, but I know that is definitely not […]

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