April Recap / May Goals

I think every single month, I am tempted to start with mentioning how fast the month went by. I guess that is just part of life at this point. Anyways, here in the Bee house, we’re saying another goodbye after a quick visit from my mama! Thank goodness for cheap airfare from our hometown to our duty station. Luckily, my parents visit every other month or so, which is amazing. When we lived in Hawaii, Eric didn’t go home for 3 years! (I am rather spoiled, and went home about every 6 months, but I know that is definitely not […]

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March Recap / April Goals

Well if I thought February flew by, I definitely wasn’t prepared for March. The Bee family financial goals in March were: Find a way to share our budget more effectively. Hmm. I don’t think I did well on this. I actually liked last month’s format, and I might keep it. When I write a full-on budget post, I think I’ll share all of our categories, but to be honest, a lot of them just collect money and go up until they get used, like car registration or our renter’s insurance. Reduce restaurant spending to under $300. Holy guacamole, am I […]

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February Recap / March Goals

Oh man, I know February is the shortest month, but it flew by! Since this is my first month sharing budget categories, I am going to share my goals for March and go over some things we struggled with in February. At the end of March, I will post our spending in every category and highlight places we can work on. What happened in February? One of the reasons I’m hesitant to outlay all of our spending in February is because it was a very unusual month in terms of budgeting for us. In December, I had an ileostomy for […]

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