The Income Project

Aloha Moneybees! I have decided to do something new. See, I know this is a financial independence blog, and my long-term goal has been to retire with my husband after his 20 years of military service is complete (he is nearly 11 years in now), and we’ve saved a lot and had some windfalls on our way to that path. However, I had to throw a wrench in the plan. I’ve had some ups and downs with my employment. First, while I am not typically good at keeping my blog up and running and consistent, I am a 150%-er in […]

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a quick post

Oh my goodness! I just had to write a quick post. I just updated the Facebook page for the blog and opened the website, and it feels so vulnerable! I’ve been writing stories and blogs for years, but to really put yourself out there and share things publicly is a scary moment. I encourage any of you reading this to go out there and do something that scares you today. If it’s trying something new at work, wearing something you wouldn’t normally wear, cooking something you’ve never made before, or jumping into an idea you’ve been hesitant on, do it! […]

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