a quick post

Oh my goodness! I just had to write a quick post. I just updated the Facebook page for the blog and opened the website, and it feels so vulnerable! I’ve been writing stories and blogs for years, but to really put yourself out there and share things publicly is a scary moment. I encourage any of you reading this to go out there and do something that scares you today. If it’s trying something new at work, wearing something you wouldn’t normally wear, cooking something you’ve never made before, or jumping into an idea you’ve been hesitant on, do it! […]

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getting out of debt: the first step to financial freedom

When considering the path to financial independence, one of the first steps is addressing any debts your family may have. Many debts have high interest rates, much higher than average market returns, so paying off debts is a great use of allocating funds before investing for retirement. As a general rule, the recommendation is usually to pay off any debts bearing an interest rate higher than 4%. Your risk tolerance may be higher or lower, but I usually stick to this rule. As it stands, we currently have a loan for my vehicle at 1.74%; anything higher than 3%, I […]

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let’s talk about fun money

I’ve found that in all of the personal finance forums I participate in, this has been a topic that comes up very often, and one that I feel inclined to comment on very regularly. So let’s write about it! (This post is originally from my previous blog, but I loved it, so I kept it here.) I am a strong believer in fun money. I mean no questions asked, buy whatever the hell you want fun money. I think it is essential to easing the stress in relationships and finances in general. So let’s tell a real-life story of why […]

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Eric and Jessica before a Submarine deployment.

Welcome aboard! If you know me in real life, you’re probably wondering why I started a new blog instead of keeping up with the old one. Honestly, I’d just like to be a bit more planned out and organized. If you don’t know me in real life, you might be wondering why I started a blog at all. Here’s the deal: I love personal finance. Like, too much. I read about it in my spare time. I currently work at a credit union (which has no association to this blog, but I felt I should disclose). My husband and I […]

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